How we can support you in every step of the process, from design to production and quality control.
How we can support you in every step of the process, from design to production and quality control.
How we can support you in every step of the process, from design to production and quality control.
Streamline Backpack Development
Streamline Backpack Development With BagMe
Whether you are new to bag design or a veteran, the process can be tedious. Finding a designer to make your ideas a real, functional product, creating a prototype, choosing material sourcing companies, and buckle manufacturers for backpacks-- it can quickly get overwhelming. BagMe Product Development is here to ease that burden and streamline the process for you by doing the following:
Clarify Ideas
You might have an idea that you just cannot seem to describe correctly. Or you might have the beginnings of an idea but have not fully developed it yet. Neither of these has to stop you from pursuing your goal. We’ll start by helping you get as clear as possible on your design.
Explain the Process
If you are a start-up or are just new to outsourcing product development, you might be unclear of what actually needs to happen. This is a very common challenge. After all, how can you know what you need to know if you’ve never done it before? We can help ease some of the confusion by walking you through the process. We’ll help you understand what needs to happen next and be there through every phase.
Find Bag Factory Vietnam
After we have an understanding of your design ideas, we will send them to the best match in our network. At BagMe, we spend a great deal of time and energy to find bag factory Vietnam based and buckle manufacturers for backpacks. We build connections with those that provide the highest quality work and materials, ensuring that your product is all you want and more.
Manage the Development
It’s important to check in with the factory developing your backpack, but having the time to travel back and forth to Vietnam may not be possible.
With BagMe, though, you have no need to worry. If you choose, you can have a dedicated team or individual take care of this for you. Through our support services, we can assist you in setting up an office, hiring the team, or any other task you need help with.
Making bag design dreams come true is our specialty. We help businesses-- from start-ups to large corporations-- bring their ideas to life. We offer service packages to include as much-- or as little-- help as you need.
If you are ready to get your design off the ground, contact us. We love new designs and are excited to take this journey with you!